Strategic Blue Cloud Portfolio Management

Strategic Blue is a company specializing in portfolio management and professional procurement services. The company has modern mechanized tools permitting it to analyze individual portfolios and offer solutions to their problems. The mechanized tools ensure tracking of accounts, running projects and cash flows, and reports sent to the client. Strategic Blue allows clients to go through and ingest the issued review for cost optimization. Further, the company recommends saving, risk optimization, and other vital aspects that may lead to business success. Some of the most popular and successful companies are products of Strategic Blue. These companies get solutions that not only save their total cost but also lead to immense success. Such companies are:


Preqin is one of the most popular companies known for its accurate data production and sources, insights, and useful data collection tools. The company has excellent data collection resources that gather accurate, comprehensive, and timely information with ease. The firm has saved its annual and monthly budgets significantly as a beneficiary of the AWS Cost Procurement. The cloud reduction costs allow the company to focus on other important tasks and business growth.


For over five years now, Ebury has been at the forefront in receiving Strategic Blue solutions and assistance. Ebury is vast in offering financial services such as international payments, FX risk management, and other finance trade. Strategic Blue has always played a significant role in handling the sophisticated finance work and saving the total cloud spend. Ebury has considered the AWS cloud costs in solving its business needs, which have led to growth acceleration.

UC San Diego

Strategic Blue has also collaborated with prominent educational institutions such as UC San Diego. UC San Diego University is among the Top notched research institution around the world. The institution’s partnership with the cloud has led to the University’s CloudBank growth, ease in accessing the computer science community, and public research clouds. The Strategic Blue company manages over 50% of the institution’s account operation and upwards of 17% saving on research funding every month.

The Animal and Plant Health Agency

APHA, as a government institution, is responsible for the identification and controlling of peculiar diseases. The company overlooks the performance of pest and diseases researches. The firm is also responsible for keeping a check on the spread of pests and diseases. Their main aim is to check the health and wellness of both domestic and wild animals. APHA has collaborated with Strategic Blue for over eight years in managing AWS procurement procedures through the G-Cloud. The company involves the clouds in managing their AWS costs and in providing invaluable advice offered by the company. The APHA company appreciates the payment flexibility given by the company.